1. Data Structures
  2. Syntax

Last updated: May 10th, 2020

In the past I’ve used Java for all of my technical interviews, but recently I wanted to try switching to Python. I wrote something similar to this post on paper for Java, but I wanted to digitize it for Python to enable easier access for myself and others. I’ll try to cover the basics of Python’s built-in data structures as well as some less obvious parts of the language’s syntax. This post will also likely get updated frequently as I add new things, fix mistakes, etc.

Data Structures


Note that lists in Python can contain multiple, arbitrary data types.

The official documentation on lists can be found here.

# initialize empty list

my_list = []

# initialize a list with pre-defined elements

my_list = [1, 2, 3]

# get element at index i

val = my_list[i]

# update element at index i

my_list[i] = new_value

# remove element at index i

# if no index is specified, then removes the element at the end of the list


# remove first element with value equal to x

# raises a ValueError if no element with that value exists


# add element to the end of the list

# my_list then contains [1, 2, 3, "Hello"]


# add all elements from another iterable


# insert item at index i

my_list.insert(val, i)

# get length of list

length = len(my_list)

# count number of occurrences of element x


# get index of element x


# clear the entire list


Slicing and sublists:

# get a sublist from index i (inclusive) to j (non-inclusive)

my_slice = my_list[i:j]

# get last n elements from a list

my_slice = my_list[-n:]

# get every 2nd element of the list

# note the general syntax is [start:stop:step]

my_slice = my_list[::2]

# get list in reversed order

my_slice = my_list[::-1]

# get first n elements from reverse-order list

my_slice = my_list[-n::-1]

Note that a slice creates a shallow copy of the original list, so it is safe to modify without changing the original list.


Stacks in Python can be implemented with lists. This is shown below:

# push onto the stack


# pop from the stack



Queues could also be implemented using lists, but removing from the front isn’t an efficient operation with lists. Instead, the official documentation recommends using a deque:

from collections import deque

# initialize empty queue

queue = deque([])

# insert into queue


# remove from queue



Tuples can be useful for wrapping up multiple variables in a single object. Note that they are immutable and must have their values defined when instantiated. However, tuples can contain mutable objects, such as lists. They can also contain other tuples.

# define a tuple

my_tuple = 1, "Hello", 45

# get element from tuple



# create an empty set

my_set = set()

# add to set


# check if x is in the set

x in my_set

# remove x from the set


# take difference of two sets

my_set - other_set

# take intersection

my_set & other_set

# take union

my_set | other_set

# clear the set



# create empty dictionary

my_dict = {}

# add new entry

my_dict["key"] = "value"

# get entry


# get entry with default value

my_dict.get("key", "default")

# check if key exists

"key" in my_dict

# get all items as tuple pairs


# get all keys


# get all values


# remove a key-value pair

del my_dict["key"]

# clear dictionary



For a min heap with heapq:

import heapq

# create empty heap

heap = []

# initialize heap from list

# modifies the list in-place in linear time


# push onto the heap

heapq.heappush(heap, 1)

# remove smallest item from the top of the heap


# access smallest item without removing it


One thing to note is that pushing tuples into the heap with heapq will result in the tuples being sorted by their first element. For example:

heap = []

heapq.heappush(heap, (1, 'a'))
heapq.heappush(heap, (2, 'b'))

for _ in len(heap):
    # prints 'a' then 'b'


Max heaps are a little trickier. If the values being placed in the heap are simple numbers, then multiplying them by -1 will effectively invert their ordering. However, you have to remember to multiply numbers by -1 again once they are pulled out of the heap.

Linked Lists

Linked lists in Python can be defined as follows:

class ListNode:
    def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
        self.val = val
        self.next = next

Binary Trees

Binary trees in Python can be defined as follows:

class TreeNode:
    def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
        self.val = val
        self.left = left
        self.right = right


Bitwise Operations

# bitwise AND

x & y

# bitwise OR

x | y

# bitwise XOR

x ^ y

# bitwise NOT/complement

~ x

# left shift by n bits

x << n

# right shift by n bits

x >> n

Custom Sort Function

To leave the original data structure intact, use the sorted function:

# syntax: sorted(iterable, key, reverse=False)

my_list = [1, 6, 5, 4]

# basic sort from low to high

sorted_list = sorted(my_list)

# reverse sort from high to low

sorted_list = sorted(my_list, reverse=True)

# sort with custom key function

sorted_list = sorted(my_list, key=(lambda val : val[1]))

To modify the original data structure in-place, use the sort function:

# syntax: sort(key, reverse=False)

my_list = [1, 6, 5, 4]

# basic sort from low to high


# reverse sort from high to low


# sort with custom key function

my_list.sort(key=(lambda val : val[1]))


Lambdas are anonymous functions in Python. The general syntax is lambda <arguments> : <expression>.

# simple function that doubles a number

my_func = lambda x : 2*x

# multiple arguments

my_func = lambda x, y : x*y

String Operations

# convert string to lowercase


# convert string to uppercase


# interleave a string with another string

# output: "H e l l o"

" ".join("Hello")

# join with a list of strings

# output: "A, B, C"

", ".join(["A", "B", "C"])

# output: "Hello world"

"".join(["Hello", "world"])

# split a string by specified delimiter

my_str.split(" ")

# replace contents of a string

my_str.replace(" ", ", ")

List Comprehensions

List comprehensions offer a short and quick way to create lists. The example below shows how a list can be created using the map function and how the same list can be created using comprehensions:

# with the map function

squares = list(map(lambda x: x**2, range(10)))

# with comprehensions

squares = [x**2 for x in range(10)]

# comprehension with an if clause

squares = [x**2 for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0]

Thanks for reading! If you found this helpful or have any corrections/suggestions, please let me know!